Albany, N.Y. -- The Win-Docs looked to achieve the unthinkable and had their sights on an unprecedented sweep of the first round. With major upset wins by 16-UMBC and 13-University at BUFFALO, only 13-College of Charleston kept them from a record that would likely stand for eternity.
The Docs joined the Bunch (2002) and Catholic Boyz (2012, 2016) in the record books with seven first round victories. They will have their sights set on the next round record of five wins (see sidebar) and possibly a first weekend record of 11 or 12 (currently consulting the Elias Sports Bureau).
Win-Docs strolling into the Round of 32 like... |
The major coaching change in the offseason looks like it was a brilliant move by Doc management, with the Smytty-led squad riding their 3-seeds and upsets into a near record-breaking performance.
The Docs saw the Amigos to the Help Desk |
Let's take a capsule look at where the other seven squads stand heading into the weekend....
Catholic Boyz. In typical first-round fashion, the Boyz sit in a three-way tie behind the Docs with five wins over the first two days. 1-Villanova in a soft bracket should add some easy wins through to the regional final in Boston to anchor the Boyz championship run. The road does get a little rockier now with mid-level seeds having to win in the Round of 32. But this is the path the Boyz take every year.
The Boyz scoot through to the Round of 32 |
Bunch of Chieftans. Do you think the Bunch wants the Docs sharing anything with them. The record holding Bunch (six Calcutta titles) still has some dry powder in the keg with 2-Duke and 3-Tennessee on opposite esides of the bracket and Huggy Bear's Mountaineers looking good. Whilst sad to see the Brown Indians bow out in the main draw, it was good for local hoops and the Bunch are still dancing.
PSA from the Bunch to the Docs |
Elder Statesmen. The lack of pee breaks on Calcutta Wednesday didn't thwart the drafting skills of one John Fancher. The Statesmen shunning the 8-1 tag placed on it by the Commish (see Rodney Dangerfield) waltzed into the weekend listed officially in the "in the hunt" section of the Calcutta. With 2-North Carolina appearing to be the real deal, the waters get deeper over the weekend and some of the Elders mid level seeds will need to win.
How do you like me now? |
Commish & Assoc. 2-seeds alive. Big upset win by 13. All going according to Hoyle. Big 4-5 game with the Elders on Sunday may determine the direction of both squads.
Current Commish battle cry |
Tax Slayers. The Monty Python "
bring out your dead" gif was all teed up (
"I'm not dead yet"), but some late night Friday heroics by 9-Florida State and 11-Syracuse (!) kept the Slayers off life support. Maybe too focused on the TJCA than the RPI on draft night...this team has some major work to do. 1-Kansas is the meal ticket, but they need some rocket fuel and quickly.
Slayers need some rocket fuel. |
Counselors. And then there were two. With the annual kiss of death tag (morning line favorite) squarely placed on them in a tradition unlike any other, the Counselors are down to 3-Michigan and 5-Kentucky and a max of 10 wins. The 538 guys have them at 1.5% chance of Calcutta glory. They'll need to file a few more motions and need the Slayers and Amigos to do some damage to the upper echelon to make anything happen. It's not looking good.
Counselors: We don't want to hear it. |
Amigos. It's teed up, boys. You know it's coming. Oh, by the way the futility record is in sight, just sayin. You don't get a picture.
Good luck in the Round of 32!
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